Sunday, January 14, 2007


I have a million tupperwares of yarn. I've gotten better about not buying single skeins, but at the same time, I've gotten into the habit of spinning skeins that I can't part with. Also, there are numerous Large Things that I'd like to save money toward (e.g., flat screen TV, new computer, retirement). Thus, I am joining Wendy's Knit from Your Stash 2007, with my own set of slightly modified rules. Guidelines:

1. The Knit-From-Your-Stash-a-Thon will start January 1, 2007 and run through September 12, 2007 -- a period of almost nine months, ending on my birthday.

2. I will not buy any yarn during that period, with the following exceptions:

2a. If someone asks for a specific knitted gift that I really and truly do not have the yarn for, I may buy yarn to knit that gift.

2b. If I am knitting something and run out of yarn, I may purchase enough to complete the project.

2c. I get one "Get Out of Jail Free" card -- I am allowed to fall off the wagon one time. This must involve a real, live store, and not an internet purchase in times of weakness.

3. I am allowed to receive gifts of yarn.

4. Trading stash is allowed/encouraged.

5. Spinning fiber of any sort is exempt.

6. Yarn bought for sole purpose of selling via woolarina is allowed. Falling in love with said yarn and keeping for myself may be inevitable from time to time.

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