Sunday, September 24, 2006


My back gets stupid amounts of tired when I have dyefests these days. Tim says he felt it in the weeks after turning thirty (which I just did, less than two weeks ago), and I can't disagree that the pains feel more pronounced, annoying as it is.

Anyway, I got a bunch of dyeing done this weekend. I admit that I fell back, largely, on my favorite color combos, which means more purple than you can shake a stick at (unless you really want to shake one, but really, it'll look pretty silly):

September Colorways

I also had a special order request from Maia for some yarn similar to one that I've dyed before, but in a larger batch. It was fun to work from someone else's inspiration, and hopefully the yarn will do it justice:


I have a fan full-blast on the yarn right now, so hopefully it'll be dry in time to send off to Crafty Bastards. I think if it goes out tomorrow, priority mail, it'll work out...


Kathy said...

Nice colors! The upper right one is my favorite, but they're all beautiful.

paula said...

mmmm. goes well with my BRIGHT YELLOW/ORANGE/PINK/LIME scheme I have lately... I am glad our stuff is not all neon! :)

Tracykins said...

A friend and I had a good-natured fight over the one in the top right (I think) at Crafty Bastards in DC. Never fear - there was only mild stabbing with our knitting needles. :)

Kate said...

A friend and I had a good-natured fight over the one in the top right

it does get a little dangerous, with small batch yarns, doesn't it? I'm going to try to make more with those colors next time I pull out the dye supplies!